Norfolk Birding News

Birding news for September 2013

Monday 30 September 2013

Cley - CATTLE EGRET on reserve early morning then at salthouse & late at Burnham overy marshes.

Warham greens - Red-breasted Flycatcher along garden drove + Hawfinch reported.

Caister - ROSE COLOURED STARLING still near beach road car park.

Yellow-browed Warblers - Warham Greens, Titchwell, Waxham, Holme, Holkham(3+), Winterton, Burgh Castle & Wells woods(1+).

Redstarts - Burnham overy dunes(4), Titchwell, Hemsby, Waxham, Stiffkey, East Hills(2), Holme(2) & Warham Greens.

Colney pits Norwich - Osprey.

Welney - Pectoral Sandpiper still + 2 Curlew Sandpipers & Little Stint.

Burnham overy dunes - 2 Lapland Buntings flew east + Snow Bunting & Whinchat.

Blakeney - 4 Spoonbills on saltmarsh.

Winterton - Firecrest & Whinchat.

Breydon - 329 Med Gulls & 5 Spotshanks.

Holkham pines - 2 Pied Flys & Ring Ouzel by cross tracks.

Cantley - 2 Little Stints, Spotshank & Little Gull.

Hemsby - Firecrest.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Blakeney point - BLUETHROAT at base of far point.

Lynford - 1+ male TWO BARRED CROSSBILL again at the arboretum at 9am but no further sign.

Caister - ROSE COLOURED STARLING again near beach road car park.

Kelling hard - Grey Phalarope past this morning.

Eccles - 2 Balearic Shearwaters, Sooty Shearwater, Arctic Tern & SEO past.

Warham greens - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers on salt marsh just north of garden drove around 4pmn then flew west.

Yellow-browed Warblers - Titchwell RSPB(2), Overstrand, East Hills, Titchwell gypsy lane, Holkham, Holme(1+) & Wells woods.

Salthouse - Redstart at Gramborough hill, Black-throated Diver offshore + 4 Little Gulls past.

Wells woods - Redstart.

Wells East Hills - Ring Ouzel & Redstart.

Yarmouth cemetery - Firecrest & Redstart.

Winterton - Firecrest & Pied Fly.

Breydon - Black Tern, 317 Med Gulls, Curlew Sand & Hen Harrier.

Holkham pines - 2 Redstarts & Pied Fly.

Cley - 3 Sooty Shearwaters, Little Gull, 2 Arctic Terns, Great Skua & 2 Arctic Skuas.

Titchwell - Snow Bunting.

Strumpshaw - Little Stint.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Caister - ROSE COLOURED STARLING again near beach road car park.

Mundesley - Richard's Pipit in beet field just NE of holiday park c2.30pm.

Muckleburgh hill - Richard's Pipit by radar station at 11am then flew east.

Scolt head - Great White Egret flew east 8am + Redstart & Whinchat.

Yellow-browed Warblers - Waxham, Holkham, Holme(2), Wells (1-2) & Yarmouth Cemetery.

Wells woods - Redstart.

Welney - Pectoral Sandpiper & 2 Whooper Swans.

Yarmouth cemetery - 3 Firecrests + Firecrest in Caister road Cemy.

Winterton - Short-eared Owl, 2 Lapland Buntings & Merlin in north dunes.

Burnham Overy dunes - Restart + 2 Whinchats.

Blakeney point - 2 Black-throated Divers reported offshore + 6 Snow Buntings flew east at 12.30pm.

Cley - Snow Bunting & Curlew Sand.

Titchwell - 2 Little Stints, 4 Curlew Sands & 4 Spotshanks.

Hemsby - Whinchat.

Cantley - 3 Little Stints.

Friday 27 September 2013

Blakeney point - LITTLE BUNTING flew from near point to long hills in the morning.

Burnham Overy marsh - CORNCRAKE flushed from path just south of sea wall again today + Ring Ouzel in the dunes.

Kelling Quags - Richard's Pipit flew west c8am.

Yellow-browed Warblers - Yarmouth cemetery(2), Holkham(2), Holme(2), Stiffkey fen & Winterton.

Welney - Pectoral Sandpiper.

Holkham - juv Red-backed Shrike.

Yarmouth cemetery - Redstart.

Stiffkey fen - 7 Spoonbills & 2 Ruddy Shelducks.

Cley - Little Stint, Curlew Sand & 2 Garganey.

Breydon - Little Stint & Curlew Sand.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Blakeney point - LITTLE BUNTING briefly at yankee ridge then flew towards the point.

Burnham Overy marsh - CORNCRAKE flushed from path just south of sea wall early evening.

Sheringham - CORNCRAKE flushed just west of golf course early evening.

Yellow-browed Warblers - Wells woods(1-2), Holkham(2), Holme, Bradwell, Titchwell gypsy lane, Sheringham, Burgh castle & Winterton(2).

Titchwell - Grey Phalarope briefly on beach late morning, Spoonbill, Snow Bunting, 2 Little Stints, Curlew Sandpiper, Y-L Gull, .

Welney - Pectoral Sandpiper & Curlew Sandpiper.

Blakeney - 5 Common Cranes flew west, also over Titchwell & Holme.

Wells woods - 2 Redstarts.

Bradwell - Ring Ouzel early morning.

Cley - 3 Little Stints & Garganey.

Thornham - Pied Fly.

Breydon - Little Stint.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Happisburgh - 2 Yellow-browed Warblers.

Wells woods - 1-2 Yellow-browed warblers & Pied Flycatcher.

Yarmouth cemetery - Yellow-browed Warbler in sw corner of southern section.

Horsey - juv Red-backed Shrike just north of horsey gap car park along southern perimiter of waxham sands holiday camp.

Titchwell - 7 Spoonbills.

Brancaster - 13 Spoonbills.

Stiffkey fen - 5 Spoonbills.

Winterton - Whinchat.

Lynford - 50+ Crossbills around arboretum.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lynford - 4 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL with 30+ Common Crossbills including a male, 2 imm males & adult female still at arboretum.

Norwich - RAVEN reported over UEA campus 11am?

Titchwell - 9 Spoonbills, 2 Little Stint, 7 Curlew Sandpipers, 15 Spotshanks & Hobby.

Cley - Curlew Sand & Spotshank.

Snettisham - 2 Little Stint, 7 Curlew Sandpipers, 15 Spotshanks, Whinchat & Tree Pipit.

Monday 23 September 2013

Walsey hills - Yellow-browed warbler late afternoon & adult female Red-backed Shrike still present.

TitchwellPectoral Sandpiper, 7 Spoonbills, 2 Little Stint, 5 Curlew Sandpipers & Y-L Gull.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Cley - 2 Red-necked Grebes, 2 Little Stints, Pomarine & Arctic Skua and Whinchat.

Stiffkey fen/Blakeny harbour - 6-7 Spoonbills & Spotshank.

Horsey - 2 Whinchats.

Breydon - 2 Curlew Sandpipers & 3 Spotshanks.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Yarmouth - COMMON ROSEFINCH briefly in cemetery.

Walcott - juv Long-tailed Skua flew south at 3pm.

Titchwell - 2 Roseate Terns briefly on beach this afternoon, Yellow-browed Warbler on meadow train at 6pm, Pectoral Sandpiper again (12.20 & 3pm only), 6 Spoonbills, Little Stint, 3 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Red-necked Grebes, 10 Spotshanks, Y-L Gull & Arctic Skua.

Lynford3 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL including a male still at arboretum.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Walsey hills - adult female Red-backed Shrike still.

Norwich - Osprey in dead tree downstream of Hellesdon bridge early afternoon.

Kimberley - Osprey.

Lyng - Osprey flew over Kingfisher lakes towards Sparham at midday.

Cley - Lapland Bunting at north end of east bank.

Snettisham - Black Tern, c5 Curlew Sandpipers & c20 Spotted Redshanks.

Stiffkey fen - 3 Spoonbills.

Cantley - Curlew sand at beet factory.

Buckenham - 4 Whinchats.

Breydon - Curlew Sandpiper & 3 Spotshanks.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Lynford - 4 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL including a male still at arboretum.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

TitchwellPectoral Sandpiper (early a.m. only), 9 Spoonbills, 2 Little Stints, 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Red-necked Grebes, Purple Sandpiper & Y-L gull.

Walsey hills - adult female Red-backed Shrike still.

Lyng - Osprey still at Kingfisher lakes.

Snettisham - Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint & 17 Spotted Redshanks.

Thornham - 8 Spoonbills in harbour.

Cley - adult Caspian Gull in to roost, 3 Little Stints, Spotshank & 2 Whinchats.

Stiffkey fen - 9 Spoonbills & Spotshank.

West Somerton - 50+ Med Gull.

Breydon - 2 Curlew Sandpieprs & 3 Spotshanks.

Winterton - 50+ Med Gull in fields south of village.

Friday 20 September 2013

Alborough - fem RED-FOOTED FALCON over marsh at c4pm.

Lynford - 4+ TWO BARRED CROSSBILL including 2 males still at arboretum.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints, Curlew Sandpiper & 2 Spotshanks.

Walsey hills - adult female Red-backed Shrike still.

Cley - 8 Spoonbills this morning, Lapland Bunting, Red-necked Grebe past on the sea & 4 Little Stints.

Horsey - 5 Whinchats.

Gorleston - Redstart.

Breydon - 2 Curlew Sandpieprs & Spotshank.

Great Ryburgh - Honey Buzzard reported ?

Winterton - Whinchat.

Burgh castle - 2 Curlew Sandpipers.

Holme - Long-tailed Duck.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Cley - first winter WILSON'S PHALAROPE still on pat's pool.

Lynford - 3 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL, 2 males & juv at arboretum.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Snettisham - Pectoral Sandpiper from shore hide early evening.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 3 Little Stints, 3 Curlew Sandpipers, Yellow-legged Gull & Purple Sandpiper.

Walsey hills - Red-backed Shrike morning only then flushed by shooting activity.

Stiffkey fen - 2 Spoonbills.

Waxham - 29 Cranes at Brograve farm.

Thornham - Spoonbill.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Cley - first winter WILSON'S PHALAROPE still on pat's pool, Lapland Bunting, 5 Curlew Sandpipers & 3 Little Stints.

Lynford - male TWO BARRED CROSSBILL at arboretum.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Spoonbills, 2 Little Stints, 2 Long-tailed Ducks & Purple Sandpiper.

Walsey hills - Red-backed Shrike still.

Lyng - Osprey at sparham pools.

Thornham - 7 Spoonbills.

Holkham park - Black Tern by lake then killed by Peregrine!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Cley - first winter WILSON'S PHALAROPE still on pat's pool, Garganey & 4 Little Stints on north scrape + 1w Caspian Gull in to roost.

Lynford3 TWO BARRED CROSSBILLS at arboretum 2 males & female + 30 Crossbills.

Caister-on-sea - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still at beach road car park.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 11 Spoonbills, Lapland Bunting, 2 Little Stints, Curlew Sandpiper & Garganey.

Walsey hills - Red-backed Shrike still.

Snettisham - Osprey flew south over.

Lyng - Osprey at sparham pools.

Thornham - 3 Spoonbills.

Holkham park - Black Tern by lake.

Kelling - 2 Little Stints & Whinchat at water meadow.

Burgh castle - juv Curlew Sandpiper.

Monday 16 September 2013

Cley - first winter WILSON'S PHALAROPE on pat's pool this afternoon, also juv Long-tailed Skua, Black Tern & 5 Arctic Skuas past on the sea + Pectoral Sandpiper on pat's pool 7.30am-7.40am only, Caspian Gull & Yellow Legged Gull in to roost & 3 Little Stints.

Lynford3 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL at arboretum including a male.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 5 Spoonbills & 2 Little Stints.

Holkham park - Black Tern by lake.

Salthouse - Snow Bunting.

Gt. Yarmouth - Snow Bunting on south beach early a.m.

Waxham - 35 Cranes at Brograve farm.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Caister - juv ROSE COLOURED STARTLING still by beach road car park.

Walsey hills - Red-backed Shrike.

Lynford - adult female TWO BARRED CROSSBILL again at arboretum.

Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 3 Lapland Buntings, Purple Sandpiper, 4 Little Stints, Curlew Sandpiper & a few Spotshanks.

Cley - Pied Flycatcher, Snow Bunting, 4 Little Stints, Curlew Sandpiper & Garganey.

Holkham Park - Black Tern on lake.

Waxham - 38 Common Cranes behind Brograve farm.

West Somerton area - 124+ Med Gulls.

Hemsby - Whinchat.

Breydon - 3 Spotshanks & Pied Flycatcher + 2 Curlew Sandpipers at west end from Burgh catle.

Buckenham - 3 Whinchats.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Caister - juv ROSE COLOURED STARTLING in gardens by beach road car park at 6pm.

Lynford - adult female TWO BARRED CROSSBILL at arboretum.

Sheringham - ad Sabine's Gull flew east at 12.23pm (also past cromer) + 23 Arctic Skuas, 25 Bonxies, 8 Manx Shearwaters & Velvet Scoter.

Weybourne - juv Sabine's Gull flew east at 2.30pm.

Walsey hills - Red-backed Shrike.

Titchwell2 Pectoral Sandpipers, Purple Sandpiper (a.m. only), 4 Little Stints, 2 Curlew Sandpipers, a few Spotshanks & 4 Whinchats.

Cley - on the sea probable Long-tailed Skua, 21 Arctic Skuas, 16 Bonxies & Black Tern past + 6 Little Stints, 4 Curlew Sandpipers, Garganey & 1w Caspian Gull in roost.

Salthouse - Snow Bunting.

Welney - Osprey.

Holme - 2 Pom Skuas, 2 Black Terns, Velvet Scoter, 22 Arctic Skuas & 8 Bonxies.

Rockland broad - juv Black Tern.

Hunstanton - Black Tern past.

Hemsby - Whinchat.

Buckenham - 4 Whinchats.

Friday 13 September 2013

Lynford - juv TWO BARRED CROSSBILL again at arboretum.

Titchwell - 3 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Spoonbills, Purple Sandpiper, 4 Little Stints, 2 Curlew Sandpipers & 11 Spotshanks.

Snettisham - juv Pectoral Sandpiper on the wash.

Blofield heath - 2 Ospreys over at 2pm.

Cley - juv Red-necked Grebe on sea again + 4 Little Stints & 3 Curlew Sandpipers.

Breydon - Curlew Sandpiper & 4 Spotshanks.

Gorleston - Whinchat.

Thursday 12 September 2013

CleyCaspian Gull into roost, 7+ Little Stints, 8 Curlew Sandpipers and Snow Bunting.

Lyng - 2 Ospreys flew over towards kinfisher lakes.

Thorpe St. andrew - White Stork of unknown origin flew east along A47 at 8.35am ?

Morston - 9 Spoonbills on salt marsh this am + Lapland Bunting over.

Titchwell - 5 Spoonbills, 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints, 18 Spotshanks & 5 Whinchats.

Blakeney - 4 Spoonbills in harbour this am.

Cantley - 2 Curlew Sandpipers & Little Stint.

Kelling - Little Stint at the water meadow.

Stiffkey - Cuckoo & Curlew sand on saltmarsh north of fen.

Burgh castle/Breydon - 2 Curlew Sandpipers.

Lynn point - Curlew Sandpiper.

Weybourne camp - Whinchat.

Walcott - Red-necked Grebe & Purple Sandpiper.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Wells woods - Yellow-browed Warbler (first mainland record of the autumn, following one yesterday on shetland)

Cley - juv Sabine's Gull flew west at 7.25am + 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 58 Bonxies, 67 Arctic Skuas, 43 Manx Shearwaters, Red-necked Grebe, 3 Arctic Terns, Little Gull, 2 Purple Sands & 1100+ Common Scoter past. On the reseserve 6+ Little Stint & 8+ Curlew Sand and Snow Bunting over the village.

Sheringham - 4 juv Long-tailed Skuas flew past + Balearic Shearwater.

Winterton - Long-tailed Skua, 6 Sooty Shearwaters & Bonxie past.

Cromer - Black Guillemot flew west past this morning.

Happisburgh - Black Guillemot flew past + 12 Sooty Shearwaters & 2 Curlew Sands.

Lyng - Osprey over.

Holme - 2 Pom skuas, 2 Sooty Shearwaters, 17 Manx Shearwaters, Arctic Tern, Black Tern, 42 Arctic Skuas, 64 bonxies & Red-necked Grebe past.

Titchwell - 40 Bonxies & 17 Arctic Skuas past + Pied Flycatcher, Spoonbill, 7 Curlew Sandpipers, Little Stint & 8 SPotshanks.

Salthouse - Black Tern flew west this afternoon.

Burnham Overy - 2 Pied flys at gun hill.

Hemsby - 5 Bonxies, 2 Arctic Skuas & Little Gull past.

Cantley - 3 Curlew Sands & Little Stint.

Gorleston - Velvet Scoter.

Blakeney point - Purple Sandpiper.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sheringham - 2 juv Long-tailed Skuas flew past at 4.15pm + Balearic Shearwater, 2 Pom Skuas, 12 Sooty Shearwater, 35 Bonxies, 120 Arctic Skua, 25 Manx Shearwater, Black Tern, Puffin & Black-throated Diver.

Cley - 4 Long-tailed Skuas including juv over eye field 11.25am, also 12 Sooty Shearwaters, 16 Bonxies, 125 Arctic Skuas past, 47 Manx Shearwaters, 2 Black Terns & 4 Little Gulls.

Hemsby - juv Long-tailed Skua flew south this afternoon + 10 Arctic Skuas & Black Tern.

Walcott - juv Long-tailed Skua and Sooty Sheawater past.

Holme - 2 Pom skuas, 6 Sooty Shearwaters, 17 Manx Shearwater, Black Tern, 45 Arctic Skuas & 31 bonxies past.

Titchwell - Manx Shearwater, puffin, 2 Bonxie & 7 Arctic Skuas past + 17 Spoonbills, 8 Curlew Sandpipers & Little Stint.

Happisburgh - Pom Skua.

Hemsby - 48 Arctic Skuas past.

Winterton - 4 Sooty Shearwaters & 12 Arctic Skuas.

Gorleston - 3 Purple Sandpipers, Black Tern, Arctic Tern & 6 Arctic Skuas.

Monday 9 September 2013

Titchwell - Pectoral Sandpiper again, 4 Spoonbills, 9 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints & Spotshank.

Burnham Overy marsh - Red-backed Shrike still.

Winterton - Balearic Shearwater & 4 Arctic Skuas.

Welney - Osprey + 3 Curlew sands.

Horsey - Osprey over mere.

Kelling - 5 Whinchats

Thornham - 5 Whinchats

Heigham holmes - Garganey & 2 Whinchats.

Cley - Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint & Arctic Skua.

Breydon - Spotshank.

Lynford - 10 Crossbills.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Snettisham - BAIRD'S SANDPIPER mid morning briefly.

Horsey - Black Tern & 50 Little Gulls past + 13 Whinchats.

Titchwell - 3 Spoonbills, 13 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Spotshanks, Little Stint & 2 Arctic Skuas.

CleyCaspian Gull, 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 3 Little Stints, Pied Fly & 2 Whinchats.

Ranworth broad - Osprey.

Rockland Broad - Osprey also over Buckenham 

Strumpshaw - 2 Ospreys + 2 Whinchats.

Lyng - Osprey.

Breydon - 3 Curlew Sandpipers.

Winterton - 2 Whinchats + Pom Skua past.

Thorpe-next-haddiscoe - Whinchat on marsh.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Horsey - juv WOODCHAT SHRIKE just north of gap car park.

Burnham Overy marsh - Red-backed Shrike.

Titchwell - Pectoral Sandpiper, 6 Spoonbills (+9 flew past thornham point this evening), 17 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Spotshanks & 2 Little Stints.

Cley - 3 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints & Redstart + report of Pectoral Sandpiper?

Salthouse - Pied Fly & 4 Whinchats.

Cockshoot broad - Osprey.

Strumpshaw fen - Osprey.

Hemsby - Pomarine, 3 Great & Arctic Skuas past + 4 Whinchats.

Stiffkey fen - 6 Spoonbills.

Blakeney point - Pied Fly.

Yarmouth - 4 Whinchats in dunes.

Breydon - 3 Spotshanks & 2 Curlew Sandpipers.

Winterton - 5 Whinchats + Pom Skua past.

Cantley - Curlew Sandpiper.

Welney - 3 Common Cranes & 2 Curlew Sands.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present.

Friday 6 September 2013

Blakeney point - WESTERN BONELLI'S WARBLER 7pm in brambles near the sea watch hut + 2 Pied Flys & 8 Whinchats.

Titchwell - 2 Pomarine Skuas, Black Tern & 20 Arctic Skuas past + 12 Spoonbills, 9 Curlew Sandpipers & Little Stint.

Cley - 6 Pomarine Skuas & 3 Bonxies past + Pied Fly, 7 Curlew Sandpipers & Little Stint.

Holme - Pomarine Skua, 5 Manx Shearwaters, 14 Arctic Skuas & 6 Bonxies past + pied fly.

SalthouseBalearic Shearwater past, Osprey over + Pied Fly.

Lyng - Osprey at sparham pool.

Sheringham - 2 Balearic Shearwaters, 10 Black Terns, 23 Bonxies & Arctic Skua past.

Hemsby - Pied fly.

Breydon - 3 Curlew Sandpipers & 7 Little Gulls.

Horsey - Pom Skua past + 11 Whinchats.

Winterton - 2 Black Terns & 2 Arctic Skuas.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present + Pied Fly.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Titchwell - 14 Spoonbills, c10 Curlew Sandpipers, Spotshank & 2 Little Stint + SPOTTED CRAKE reported.

Cley - 7 Spoonbills, 4 Curlew Sandpipers, 2 Little Stints & Great SKua.

Strumpshaw - Osprey + Little Stint.

Breydon - 2 Curlew Sandpipers & 7 Little Gulls.

Winterton - Pied Fly.

Welney - 3 Cranes.

Whinchats - Winterton(11), Gramborough hill(6), Gorleston(3), Breydon(3), Burnham Norton, Titchwell(2), Stiffkey fen(2) & Cley.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Cley - Pectoral Sandpiper on pat's until early afternoon, 2 Caspian Gulls in to roost, juv Garganey & 21 Buzzards flew over in an hour.


Titchwell - 19 Spoonbills, 15 Curlew Sandpipers, 8 Spotshanks & Little Stint.

Breydon - 8 Curlew Sandpipers, 4 Spotshanks & 2 Whinchats.

Waxham - Whinchat.

Winterton - Velvet Scoter.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Horsey - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still 1/2 mile south of nelson's head track. + Whinchat

Cley - possible White-rumped Sandpiper on north scrape, ad Caspian Gull in to roost, Little Stint, Spotshank & 10 Curlew Sandpipers.

Strumpshaw - 2 Ospreys.

Titchwell - adult Long-tailed Skua past early morning + 5 Spoonbills, 7 Curlew Sandpipers, Littel Stint, Jack Snipe & Purple Sandpiper.

Winterton - Velvet Scoter & Bonxie.

Hemsby - Redstart.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present

Monday 2 September 2013

Lynford - juv TWO BARRED CROSSBILL again at arboretum.

Horsey - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still 1/2 mile south of nelson's head track.

Cley - 3 Caspian Gulls in to roost, 3 Little Stints & 10 Curlew Sandpipers.

Welney - Osprey.

Winterton - Sooty Shearwater past, Velvet Scoter, Pied Fly & Redstart.

Breydon - Curlew Sandpiper & 4 Spotshanks.

Titchwell - Purple Sandpiper.

Hopton - 3 Arctic Skuas & 5 Little Gulls past.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Lynford - juv TWO BARRED CROSSBILL again at arboretum.

Horsey - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING still 1/2 mile south of nelson's head track.

Sheringham - Wryneck + Red-backed Shrike still at Beeston bump.

Holme NWT - Wryneck still.

Hemsby - Long-tailed Skua & Pomarine Skua flew north past +2 Sooty Shearwaters (alos past Horsey)

Yarmouth - 6 Balearic Shearwaters past at 4.15pm + juv Curlew Sand on Breydon.

Gorleston - Sooty Shearwater, Pom Skua & 6 Littel Gulls past.

Titchwell - Storm Petrel past this evening (also past Holme) + 12 Spoonbills, Curlew Sandpipers & 2 Little Stints.

Cley - Spoonbill, 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 4 Little Stints & 2 Whinchats.

Overstrand - 3 Curlew Sandpipers flew west.

Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present.

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