Cley - first winter WILSON'S PHALAROPE on pat's pool this afternoon, also juv Long-tailed Skua, Black Tern & 5 Arctic Skuas past on the sea + Pectoral Sandpiper on pat's pool 7.30am-7.40am only, Caspian Gull & Yellow Legged Gull in to roost & 3 Little Stints.
Lynford - 3 TWO BARRED CROSSBILL at arboretum including a male.
Titchwell - 2 Pectoral Sandpipers, 5 Spoonbills & 2 Little Stints.
Holkham park - Black Tern by lake.
Salthouse - Snow Bunting.
Gt. Yarmouth - Snow Bunting on south beach early a.m.
Waxham - 35 Cranes at Brograve farm.