Norfolk Birding News

Birding news for March 2014

Monday 31 March 2014

Welney - Great White Egret & 3 LRP's.

Cley - Great White Egret still late afternoon.

Horsey corner - Great White Egret early morning + 2 Common Cranes.

Filby broad - Slavonian Grebe.

Black Redstarts - Sidestrand, Yarmouth Cemy, Titchwell & East Runton.

Blakeney - Great Northern Diver still in the harbour.

Winterton - Woodlark in dunes.

Pentney GP's - 2 LRP's & Yellow Wagtail.

Strumpshaw - probable Great White Egret.

Breydon - male Hen Harrier.

Yarmouth cemy - Firecrest still in south section.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Lynford4 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS (2 males, 1st winter male & female) still + 4 Hawfinches.

Holme - Black-necked Grebe & Long-tailed Duck offshore + Short-eared Owl.

Black Redstarts - Horsey mere, Norwich (NR1 3BS), Titchwell & Hunstanton.

Titchwell - Hen Harrier & 2 Spotshanks.

Kelling - Great White Egret flew west over village this morning.

Weybourne - male Hen Harrier flew east this morning.

Snettisham CP - Mealy Redpoll & Sedge Warbler.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Lynford - 4 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS still + Hawfinch, 3 Firecrests & Mealy redpoll.

Titchwell - 7 Velvet Scoter & 2 Snow Buntings.

Salthouse - Great White Egret + Snow Bunting still at Gramborough hill.

Cley - Richard's Pipit in eye field early morning + 2 Spoonbills.

Wells - Snow Bunting.

Blakeney point - Black Redstart.

Winterton - Black Redstart.

Haddiscoe island - Rough-legged Buzzard still.

Yarmouth cemy - 3 Firecrests in south section.

Burgh Castle - 2 Spotshanks.

Kimberley - 2 Common Cranes flew over NW of wymondham.

Friday 28 March 2014

Lynford2+ TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS still + 2 Hawfinches.

TitchwellOsprey over, Ring Ouzel, 5 Velvet Scoter & 2 Snow Buntings.

Gramborough hill - Richard's Pipit & Great White Egret still at Salthouse + Snow Bunting.

Barton broad - 3 Little Gulls.

Happisburgh - Snow Bunting.

Blakeney harbour - 2 Great Northern & 1 Black-throated Diver still.

Haddiscoe island -  Rough-legged Buzzard still.

Filby Broad - Slavonian Grebe.

Stiffkey fen - 28 Med Gulls.

Norwich - Mealy Redpoll still at UEA feeders.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Lynford Arboretum - 5 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS.

Cley-next-the-Sea - Probable TUNDRA PEREGRINE (juv)

Welney - Great White Egret.

Barton Broad - 2 Little Gulls

Halvergate - Great White Egret.

Snettisham - Short-eared Owl

Filby Broad - Slavonian Grebe

Salthouse - Richard's Pipit

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Lynford Arboretum - 4 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS, Lesser-spotted Woodpecker, 3 Hawfinch, 3 Firecrests & 20+ Crossbills.

Filby Broad - Slavonian Grebe, 2 White Storks (escapes)

Cley-next-the-Sea - Black Redstart

Blakeney - Great Northern Diver

Tuesday 25 March 2014

LynfordTWO-BARRED CROSSBILL & 3 Hawfinch.

Hockwold Washes - Garganey.

Salthouse - Richard's Pipit.

Welney - Great White Egret & Garganey.

Titchwell - 8 Red-crested Pochards.

Holme - 3 Long-tailed Duck.

Gorleston - Black Redstart.

Filby Broad - Slavonian Grebe.

Winterton - 8 Crossbills flew north.

Sidestrand - 25 Crossbills & Woodlark over.

Monday 24 March 2014

Lynford - 3 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS still.

Titchwell - Sedge Warbler & 3 Snow Buntings at Thornham point.

Hockwold Washes - Garganey.

Salthouse - Snow Bunting.

Admiralty Point - Great White Egret still north of King's lynn.

Thornham - Hen Harrier & Spotted Redshank.

Sheringham - 2 Purple Sandpiper.

Blakeney - 3 Great Northern Divers.

Waveney Forest - 2 Rough-legged Buzzards still.

Ormesby Broad - Great White Egret.

Strumpshaw Fen - Hen Harrier.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Lynford - 5 TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS (3 males, female & first winter male or hybrid) at arboretum, 30+ Common Crossbill, Hawfinch & 2 Firecrests.

Hockwold washes - Garganey.

Blakeney point - 2 Sandwich terns.

Welney - Garganey.

Sea Palling - 9 Purple Sandpipers.

Cley - Firecrest still at walsey hills.

Happisburgh - Snow Bunting.

Holme - Hen Harrier.

Stiffkey - Black Brant still on salt marsh.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Lynford - adult male TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL + first winter male or hybrid still at arboretum + 2 Hawfinches.

Happisburgh - Hooded Crow & Snow Bunting.

Holme - Lapland Bunting & male Hen Harrier (also Titchwell).

Haddiscoe island - Rough-legged Buzzard still.

Winterton - Black-throated Diver.

Sculthorpe - 4 Mealy Redpoll.

Cley - White Wagtail + Firecrest at walsey hills.

Welney - Garganey.

Friday 21 March 2014

Happisburgh - Hooded Crow & Black Redstart.

Overstrand - juv Glaucous Gull.

Weybourne - Black Redstart.

Sculthorpe - 5 Mealy Redpoll.

Cley - Great White Egret on reserve, Firecrest at Walsey hills & Snow Bunting just north of arnold marsh.

Haddiscoe island - Rough-legged Buzzard still.

Lynford - first winter male TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL or hybrid still at arboretum.

Sheringham - 2 Purple Sandpipers.

Stiffkey - Black Brant on salt marsh.

Hunstanton - Snow Bunting flew south this morning over cliffs.

Barton Broad - Little Gull.

Claxton - Hen Harrier.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Hickling - GLOSSY IBIS on rush hill scrape.

Cley - Great White Egret briefly seen east of east bank towards salthouse + Water Pipit.

Lynford - 2 Hawfinches.

Claxton marshes - Hen Harrier.

Hunstanton - Snow Bunting & 5 Crossbills flew south over cliffs this morning.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Grimes graves - 6 PARROT CROSSBILLS.

Hickling - Great White Egret flew east over broad mid afternoon.

King's lynn - Rough-legged Buzzard NNW of town still at Ongar hill + 2 Hen harriers also probable Richard's Pipit at Ashwicken fen ?

Haddiscoe island - Rough-legged Buzzard still.

Lynford - first winter male TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL or hybrid still at arboretum.

Hardley - Little ringed plover by river chet.

Burnham overy marsh - Short-eared Owl + Hen Harrier over scolt head.

Hemsby - Little Gull.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Salthouse -probable juv Tundra Peregrine form calidus or Tundrius between iron road & sea pool.

King's lynn - Rough-legged Buzzard NNW of town still at Ongar hill + Great White Egret, 2 Black Brants, 2000 Dark Bellied & one Pale bellied Brent Goose.

Felbrigg - probable female PARROT CROSSBILL.

Holkham - unconfirmed report of 2 Rough-legged Buzzards this morning.

Blakeney harbour - 2 Black-throated Divers & Great Northern Diver still.

Monday 17 March 2014

Yarmouth - juv Iceland Gull south denes this afternoon.

Wiveton - Hawfinch flew west over c11am.

Brancaster - drake Scaup offshore.

Hemsby - Velvet Scoter.

Lynford - 5 Hawfinches in paddock mid afternoon.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Sheringham - 4 PARROT CROSSBILLS reported in sheringham park at 11am.

Attleborough - Iceland Gull flew SW over Bunwell early morning.

Cley - Great White Egret & Spoonbill still.

Swallows - all flew west over Salthouse, Weybourne (2) & Thornham, a good early date.

Norwich - Little Ringed Plover flew over this monring.

Holkham - Firecrest.

Hopton - 2 Velvet Scoters flew south.

Hingham - Common Crane flew south west over at 1.30pm.

Burnham overy dunes - Short-eared Owl.

Winterton - 2 Crossbills flew north.

Yarmouth - Firecrest singing in cemetery + Black Redstart in allotments by racecourse.

Lynford - 3 Hawfinches at arboretum.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Blakeney harbour - Iceland Gull viewed from stiffkey fen aroun 10 am but no further sign (earlier past Sheringham & Salthouse) + 2 Great Northern Divers & male Hen Harrier.

Snettisham - Black-nekced Grebe still on the pits.

Welney - GLOSSY IBIS ouse washes between welney & Gold hill in field by A1101.

Edgefield - Rough-leg Buzzard reported over edgefield woods?

Hickling - Little Gull on rush hill scrape.

Horsey - 2 Common Cranes south of mill.

Winterton - 2 Snow Buntings.

Friday 14 March 2014

Cley - Great White Egret around pope's marsh.

Snettisham - Black-necked Grebe on pit sopposite roatary hide.

Holkham - Rough-leg Buzzard, 2 Spoonbills + 500 Common Scoter offshore.

East Wretham heath - Common Scoter flew over!

Titchwell - 3 Hen Harriers in to roost.

Salthouse - Wheatear at Gramborough hill.

Sheringham - 3 Crossbill flew over at 9.45am.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Blakeney point - 3 Shorelarks, Glaucous Gull, Mealy Redpoll, Sand Martin & 2 Great Northern Divers.

Titchwell - Spoonbill, 3 Hen harrier in to roost & Spotted Redshank.

Cley - Spoonbill.

Happisburgh - Little Gull.

Lynford - Hawfinch at arboretum.

Holme - Snow Bunting.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Sheringham - Richard's Pipit on coast path by golf course.

BuckenahmGreat White Egrets also seen at Strumpshaw & Surlingham.

Snettisham - Black-necked Grebe on pit sopposite roatary hide.

Titchwell - Yellow wagtail.

Blakeney harbour - Black-throated Diver & 2 Great Northern Divers still.

Cley - 10+ Crossbill flew south over church lane at 9.25am.

Thetford - Hawfinch at nunnery lakes at c8.30am then flew NW.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Stiffkey - 2 Great White Egrets flew east at c6pm.

Snettisham - Black-necked Grebe on pit sopposite roatary hide.

Salthouse - Spoonbill.

Yarmouth - Wheatear at Breydon water & Firecrest in the cemetery.

Edgefield - 7 PARROT CROSSBILLS still in clearing west of B1149 c1m south of Holt.

Winterton - 2 Black-throated Divers off car park.

Holme - Snow Bunting.

Thetford - Mealy Redpoll at nunnery lakes.

Monday 10 March 2014

Winterton - proabble KUMLEIN'S GULL 2w viewed from car park, 15 Crossbills flew north + male Hen Harrier in north dunes.

Cley - Great White Egret on pope's marsh this evening.

Sheringham - Purple Sandpiper.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Salthouse - Great White Egret, then at Cley + Wheatear briefly.

Sea Palling - Hooded Crow flew over, then at Winterton.

Sidestrand - White Wagtail + 20 Crossbills flew east this morning.

Titchwell - Caspian Gull, 10+ Velvet scoter, Water Pipit, Spotshank & 3 Snow buntings.

Lynford - 1st winter TWO BARRED CROSSBILL or hybrid again ?

Cley - Common Crane over, alos over slathouse.

King's lynn - Great White Egret at admiralty point + 15 Twite & male Hen harrier.

Haddiscoe island - 2 Rough-leg Buzzards still + male Hen harrier.

Holkham - Common Crane drifted west at c12 noon + Spoonbill.

Strumpshaw - 3 Common Cranes drifted over.

Northrepps - Black Redstart.

Happisburgh - Black Redstart.

Breydon - SEO.

Thurlton - Hen Harrier.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Blakeney harbourIceland Gull viewed from stiffkey fen aroun 10 am but no further sign (earlier past Sheringham & Salthouse) + 2 Great Northern Divers & male Hen Harrier.

Snettisham - Black-nekced Grebe still on the pits.

Welney - GLOSSY IBIS ouse washes between welney & Gold hill in field by A1101.

Hickling - Little Gull on rush hill scrape.

Friday 7 March 2014

Yarmouth - GLOSSY IBIS north of breydon water flew south 1 mile west of town.

Edgefield - 7 PARROT CROSSBILLS still in clearing west of B1149 c1m south of Holt.

King's lynn - Rough-legged Buzzard & Great White Egret at admiralty point.

Horsey - 3 Common Cranes in file dbetween horsey mill & west somerton this afternoon.

Blakeney harbour - 5 Great Northern & 2 2 Black-throated Divers still + pale-bellied brent goose.

Lynford arboretum - Firecrest.

Holme - 45 Snow Buntings.

Thornham - Spotted Redshank.

Thetford - 2 Mealy Redpolls still at nunnery lakes.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Cantley - GLOSSY IBIS late afternoon on rspb marshes.

Happisburgh - Bean Goose flew north early morning.

Morston - male Hen Harrier form quay + 4 Water pipits.

Horsey - 7 Common Cranes south of mill.

Breydon - 2 Spotted redshanks.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Weybourne - White Wagtial.

Cantley - juv Iceland Gull again.

Martham - GLOSSY IBIS still though north of river thurne.

Edgefield - 6 PARROT CROSSBILLS still in clearing west of B1149 c1m south of Holt.

Blakeney harbour - 2 Great Northern Divers still.

Barton broad - ad Little Gull.

King's Lynn - Short-eared Owl at admiralty point.

Waterden - Hen Harrier.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Lynford - 1st winter TWO BARRED CROSSBILL or hybrid again ?

Haddiscoe islandRough-legged Buzzard + 2 Short-eared Owls.

Cantley - Water Pipit.

Holme - 12 Snow Buntings.

Barton broad - Little Gull.

Norwich - 2 Common Cranes flew SW over Upton road at 10.40am + Mealy Redpoll still at UEA feeders.

Acle - 3 Common Cranes between acle & Billockby.

Fring - male Hen Harrier by docking road.

Monday 3 March 2014

Limpenhoe - juv Iceland Gull in fields viewed from east end of factory.

Breydon water - Spoonbill at east end.

King's lynn - Great White Egret still at Ongar hill.

Horsey - 6 Common Cranes.

Norwich - Waxwing at John Innes institue.

Sea palling- 12 Purple Sandpipers.

Acle - 2 Common Cranes just NW of billockby.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Cantley - juv Iceland Gull again + Water Pipit.

Martham - GLOSSY IBIS still though north of river thurne.

Edgefield - 15 PARROT CROSSBILLS still in clearing west of B1149 c1m south of Holt.

Lynford - 1st winter TWO BARRED CROSSBILL or hybrid again ?

Waveney forest - 8 PARROT CROSSBILLS + Rough-legged Buzzard still on haddiscoe isalnd.

Holkham - 2 Spoonbills + c100 White-fronted Geese.

Burgh castle - SPoonbill.

Happisburgh - Lapland Bunting.

Cockthorpe - Black Brant on airfield.

Blakeney harbour - 3 Great Northern Divers.

Norwich - Waxwing at John Innes institue near entrance, Waxwing reported at Lakenham on Bracondale + 2 Mealy redpoll at UEA feeders.

Acle - 2 Common Cranes between acle & Billockby.

Stiffkey - male Hen Harrier over saltmarsh late afternoon.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Hemsby - adult Glaucous Gull flew north this morning + Great Northern Diver & Little Gull.

Edgefield - 14 PARROT CROSSBILLS still in clearing west of B1149 c1m south of Holt.

Waveney forest - 2 PARROT CROSSBILLS + Rough-legged Buzzard still on haddiscoe isalnd.

Cley/Salthouse - Spoonbill.

Burnham overy dunes - 2 Short-eared Owl still late afternoon.

Titchwell - 25 Velvet Scoter.

Norwich - Waxwing at John Innes centre this morning + 2 Mealy redpoll on UEA feeders.

Cantley - 2 Water Pipits.

Happisburgh - Black Redstart.

Thetford - 2 Mealy redpoll at nunnery lakes.

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