Birding Site: Nar Valley Fisheries (pentney gravel pits)


Gravel workings in the west of the county


  • TF669135
  • 52.693462, 0.468186

Also known as Pentney gravel pits, you really need a key or the combination number to enter form the east so normally I would enter from the west south of Blackborough village. You can view the various pits from the public footpath along the river Nar.


The first lake to your left is good for resting gulls which commute between here and Blackborough End tip. Walking further along the river you start to see the gravel pits on your left another good site for Gulls and Ducks including Smew and Goosander. During spring this site can be a good stopping off point for migrating Arctic Terns on their way north.


Target Species

Smew, Caspian Gull and White Winged Gulls in winter.