News - Thursday 9 May 2024

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Blakeney - Purple Heron
Titchwell - Golden Oriole, Little Stint, Garganey, Turtle Dove
Cley - 3 Temminck’s Stints, Glossy Ibis flew E
Welney - 3 Garganey, 2 Wood Sandpipers
Hickling - Garganey
Buckenham - 4 Garganey
Holme - Garganey
Breydon Water - Osprey, Short-eared Owl
Snettisham CP - 2 Turtle Doves, Little Gull
Choseley - 2 White Storks (1 of captive origin, colour-ringed; 1 of uncertain origin, unringed)
Holkham - Velvet Scoter on sea