Horsey - juv ROSE COLOURED STARLING 1/2 mile south of nelson's head track.
Waxham - CORNCRAKE SE of shang-ri-la cottage at 1pm + 2 Pied Flys & Redstart.
Strumpshaw fen - Wryneck still present.
Gramborough hill - Wryneck still present.
Sheringham - 2 Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skua, Balearic Shearwater & 5 Black Terns.
Swaffham - Honey Buzzard flew SW at 2.30pm + 7 Crossbills.
Yarmouth - Red-backed Shrike still in south dunes + 4 Spotshanks on Breydon.
Holme NWT - Wryneck in dunes.
Titchwell - 59 Curlew Sandpipers, 5 Little Stints, 11 Spoonbills & Whinchat.
Cley - juv Caspian Gull, 14 Curlew Sandpipers & 2 Little Stints.
Hemsby - Pied Flycatcher.
Northrepps - possible ITALIAN SPARROW ? still present.
Stiffkey fen - 8 Spoonbills.
Lynford - 30 Common Crossbills at the arboretum but no sign of the juv two-barred.